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Zahedi Zahedi
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The color of the fruit of Zahedi variety in the Kimmeri, Chalak, Retb, and Date stages is green, yellow, pale brown, and brown, respectively. The texture of the fruit of this variety is hard in the Kimmeri and Chalak stage, but it becomes a little soft in the wet stage and semi-hard in the last stage of date ripening.
The length of the fruit of the Zahedi cultivar is between 30.6 and 38.7 mm in the moist stage and between 24 and 36 mm in the date stage. This length is between 30 and 40 mm in the (last) stage of the Cimmerian and between 29 and 40 mm in the middle stage.
How to store Zahedi dates
For long-term storage (12 months), keep it in the refrigerator (temperature 4 degrees Celsius). But for short-term storage (6 months), it was kept at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius). Because keeping dates in the refrigerator [due to the cold] causes the texture of dates to become stiff; We recommend placing the dates at room temperature or under the sun for half an hour before use
Mazafati dates
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What is Mazafati date and what are its benefits and features?
What is Mazafati date? Mazafati dates, whose main origin is known as Bam, are oval, black, shiny and 3 to 4 cm long. Mazafati dates are warm in nature and are more useful for cold-tempered people. The nutritional value of extra dates includes iron, energy, calcium, potassium and other useful substances. Consuming additional dates is useful for improving heart condition, bone health, blood pressure control, stress reduction, anemia treatment, and strengthening the immune system.
What is the maintenance method?
Dates, like all other foods, have their own storage methods. The tips introduced in the following section can be used for better maintenance.
The most important thing to consider in maintenance is the environment. Considering that the sap is high, it should be stored at a temperature between -5 and +5 degrees Celsius or in a refrigerator. For home consumption, keep them in airtight containers to keep them fresh.
The storage environment must be dry. It is recommended to avoid placing in the environment. Because the conditions will be favorable for recruitment.
To preserve the flavor, keep them away from aromatic foods.
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